Scooter History Timeline


Silver Member
I was the first Australian admin that wasn't named Jake.
I was also the first scooter rider to simultaneously be on AIM, MSN, Myspace, Facebook, SR and C4 at the same time.



Shane McNulty
Aaron Bransdon said:
I was the first Australian admin that wasn't named Jake.
I was also the first scooter rider to simultaneously be on AIM, MSN, Myspace, Facebook, SR and C4 at the same time.


someones a little desperate for recognition =P
Briflips were invented in the first half of 2004 as far as I remember.

2003 - Terry Price - first flair, tailwhip backflip, handplant on film, also a huge 16 set jump making it the biggest street obstacle jumped for years ([url][video][/url]). I remember Josh telling about Scott McCormick landing first tailwhip and 360 backflips in 2002 or something but there's no one else to confirm (as well as Jarret Reid's double backflips).

I believe someone might've done whip to bars before NBS3, Matt Pate, Adam Beyer, Silas Henderson? Idk.

March, 2005 - first modern day scooter competition in Montreux, Switzerland. A month later, Thrill Zone competition took place, first modern comp in America. About that time local competitions in Australia started, with Coedie Donovan/Phil Lagettie duels for the win.


Pete Pachota said:
2003 - Terry Price - tailwhip backflip, I remember Josh telling about Scott McCormick landing first tailwhip and 360 backflips in 2002 or something but there's no one else to confirm (as well as Jarret Reid's double backflips).

I believe someone might've done whip to bars before NBS3, Matt Pate, Adam Beyer, Silas Henderson? Idk.
Scott and Jarret landed backflip tailwhips back in early 2001.
Scott tried the 360 backflip in 2002.
Can't confirm exactly when Jarret landed a double flip. I just know it was awhile before Terry's mini video. And to my knowledge, Terry shot that not too long before releasing the video.
But Terry can definitely be marked down for the milestone of first double flip combo, that's huge.

First tailwhip was landed by Rogie Weiss (sp?) in 1999, when Razor first came to the USA, before they released them to the public.

And nobody had done them before myself. I got the idea from Mirra 2 on PS2, haha.

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
haha aaron. the first ozzie mod not named jake... hahaha i lol'd at that. and this is gettin somewhere

Matt Ogle

this thread dumb as hell. i look for the only category im in and you got everything wrong dayum.

Jarret Redit- first to flip kicker. me is 2nd. BK is 3rd.


BST Moderator
Staff member
Matt Ogle said:
this thread dumb as hell. i look for the only category im in and you got everything wrong dayum.

Jarret Redit- first to flip kicker. me is 2nd. BK is 3rd.

wow, i would've been more than happy to put that in but seeing as though this thread is "dumb as hell", i won't

i wonder who was second to flip a kicker...


I remember seeing Jarret flip off of one of those piece of sh!t black kickers. Not like the infamous picture of him doing it off a stair. But actually off of flat. It was insane. And there was a tape hovering around somewhere of Jerret frontflipping OVER a kicker ramp, he hit the tip of the bottom of the kicker and flipped over the top, didn't touch an inch of the transition. I should try and get ahold of that tape somehow...

The backflip was only like six months after he did it for Guinness Book. The frontflip was in like 2002 in Detroit, MI for the biggest international car convention in the states.


double inward: hayden oconnor
front butercup: hayden oconnor
bar to inward bri: hayden oconnor

pretty sure thats it idk if u wanna put that in


Super Moderator
Staff member
Your a dumb fuck.
put matt ogle in or else im flying to fucking wolverhampton and beating your ass you faggot.
i dont get how you could even think to disrespect matt. hes defintly one of the best OG riders who still rides and still posts and all you do is disrespect him.
i hate you so much


BST Moderator
Staff member
Tyler Wheeland. said:
Your a dumb fuck.
put matt ogle in or else im flying to fucking wolverhampton and beating your ass you faggot.
i dont get how you could even think to disrespect matt. hes defintly one of the best OG riders who still rides and still posts and all you do is disrespect him.
i hate you so much

Matt Ogle said:
this thread dumb as hell. i look for the only category im in and you got everything wrong dayum.

Jarret Redit- first to flip kicker. me is 2nd. BK is 3rd.

you need to shut your mouth Tyler and read the screen once in a damn while

also i don't care if he's OG he said this thread is dumb and suddenly people expect him to be put in it. frankly i don't think he even deserves to be put in it, also if he is OG he should think that not everyone knows what he does, it was one simple mistake out of the whole thread and because it's JDBen he has a go at me for it

both of you gtfo my thread

and have a nice flight, twat