The Ask Dustin Nooner Anything Thread

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
j dude good choice!! it comes with ICS so you should do that. i love ICS personally.

Bia5 - the cheapest i have seen them is 25 plus shipping I think. on and aiting takes alot alot of practice so thats how.

Brian - next sat at clairy im down

BigWhite! - cause he didnt want to look dumb anymore. but screw that il l00k dumb a11 i wnat ;)

Ryan - shamus


its ics, i dont understand why the fuck it wont fit in, my local bike shop tried both of the ones that came with my DSA kit and neither will work at all


Bronze member

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
sad! :( i saw it on the news and i was like awhh mann haha crazy. that one chick who was blonde and dated ashton kutcher and was in a few movies with him..when she died i was sad too lol.


Steel Member
is scs good with lucky smx forks??
simplest and i have bars that are too short and will be good height raised 2 inches