The Ask Dustin Nooner Anything Thread


Bronze member
did u make me a face book cuz a lot of people were asking me why i never go on so i searched my name and i somehow have one


Ok, I just heard Justin beiber say something was chill. Uuuuuhgggghhhhghhhhaaahha. Gross. I never want to say it again. Do you?

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Ryan - not now :)

Jossy - uhm..i dont kill anybody..lmao i used to fight alot but im trying really hard not to anymore. but i have my slips hahah.


Staff member
so this chick
she asked me to this dance
then made up some lame ass exuse why she did it, like she didnt wanna go with this other kid so she asked me(i wasnt paying attention, i was blazed)
think she digs me and shes just frontin, or is she bein legit?