omg ewwww haha. ive never really shit myself outside of my house, but that would definitely suck. this kid in my neighborhood like 6 years ago, he was like 8 at the time. we all went up to the park in the neighborhood next to mine. he said he had to shit before we even left, but he decided to come anyway because we always ditched this kid cuz we didnt like him. we were there and again he said i have to go to the bathroom. we said go home and we'll wait for you. the kid sat there for like an hour crying cuz he shit his pants and it went in his shoes and all this stuff. worst part is, he didnt go back to his house, he went to one of my friends houses, and used one of his moms good white towels. did not shower, or even change the shoes he soiled earlier. or even his clothes. same shitty underwear. it just so happened the shoes he was wearing was shrek 2's, so til this day i still call him shrek 2