I've tried so many vegetables and vegetarian meals and most of them taste really bad to me, the only thing that's vegetarian that I like is pasta or noodles, which I'm not very keen on after a while.
I'm not going to become a vegetarian because of the meat industry and how it works, there's nothing I can do about it and its something that's just going to go on while humanity exists.
My sister tried being a vegetarian, which lasted 2 years but then stopped because she couldn't last it, and if she couldn't then I have no idea how I would be able to lol
I don't buy meat and eat it while thinking about how an animal had sacrificed its life to go through a terrible, gory death just for me to eat it and enjoy it, it doesn't mean I promote that either.
I'm not saying I eat it only cause its nice, its also because there's nothing else that would satisfy me other than meat so, yeah.