What's so bad about flyout?

Excellent analogy

To add on to that, flyout is hated because it's so unnatural and doesn't look good. You're getting as much air possible given assistance of a quarter/bank (what have you) then landing totally flat. You know, it's exactly like matr said about obtaining a 20-2 score in cod. It's like "Well I can do it, I just need all these special circumstances, meanwhile, they are all the circumstances that make it easier and make my style look worse." It's like you don't even know how to truly do the trick if you can only do it flyout. It's not fun to watch a kid hammering out his trick list on a string of single trick clips done by being launched 8 feet into the air and then coming back down. It's like, you need a ramp for assistance to do the trick, but you're not going to use any other part of the park to flow around and look good, it just looks like you're just trying to get the job done the easiest way possible.

There's nothing wrong with it. It's a useful tool in learning things and in some cases, is one of the only way to land some insane things (such as the Ryan Williams mention earlier-would you expect him to do that over a spine?) and it's definitely a way to have fun which is obviously the most important factor. However, if you're shooting a vid, probably part of the reason is for entertainment purposes and the "cosmetically appealing factor behind your style and tricks, how they're done and how they're executed. Flyout is not a nice way to display those things. Put simply, it's not fun to watch. Anything past that is clueless kids forgetting why people don't like watching flyout to start with and see it as a new hate trend, which happens allll the time, especially in this type of community with the age group that falls in it.

It doesn't look like you're riding your scooter, just trying to land some trick, and really that's exactly what it is

edit: holy ----- I write way too many essays on sr

Grant thanks for the essay! You need to scooter more dude


Silver Member
what point were you trying to make Aaron?

I love how just because I post a video in a flyout thread, I get called out? Chill out dude.

I posted this video because it's an example of how good riding is when there ISN'T flyout filmed. I was praising the video.

Tyler Rehard

Bronze member
i dont think he was intending to call you out aaron.
but in my opinion riding flyout is not a bad thing it is a great way to learn new tricks. however i do not think that flyout should be used in videos unless it is part of a line or some crazy ridiculous trick. plus kids that ride flyout tend to get in the way of other people much more often than someone who tries to ride around the park flowing opposed to someone who only rides one obstacle repeatedly.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
I love how just because I post a video in a flyout thread, I get called out? Chill out dude.

I posted this video because it's an example of how good riding is when there ISN'T flyout filmed. I was praising the video.
nobody called you out, take a fucking breather you've been jumping at everyone recently
and i couldnt tell if you were being sarcastic or not, happens often on this site.

Bear Grylls

I love how just because I post a video in a flyout thread, I get called out? Chill out dude.

I posted this video because it's an example of how good riding is when there ISN'T flyout filmed. I was praising the video.

Well ----- you do this to people all the time.


Silver Member
I call people out If they're bad mouthing something I'm passionate about without reason. Not for the sake of it.
Nick griffin hates me yet still moved on and left a positive comment in my photo thread. Why can't you?

Bear Grylls

I call people out If they're bad mouthing something I'm passionate about without reason. Not for the sake of it.
Nick griffin hates me yet still moved on and left a positive comment in my photo thread. Why can't you?

Because this isn't a photo thread..?

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
i don't like flyout, my personal opinion. it might be because I'm not good at it, or because i stopped when i learned my basics. i think that ill try my hardest while scootering to get it in the right direction, to do my part as a pioneer in this rapid growing sport. For example, at woodward. oh my god I've never seen so many flyout whores. I was considered a street elitist thats how bad it was. but coming back from woodward, you see how bad and annoying those kids are when they can't even hit a ledge or a rail. Flyout is a beginners game, and its a good tool to learn rotations and timing for new riders. I and others i know try to learn into banks and eventually flat or just flat. But I'm with kyle on the first sentence, that those should just scooter they way they see fit, because that will just decide how far they go. street elitists feel the same way, they just care the direction scootering is traveling and want it to go in the right way.

just my 2 cents


Steel Member
this is the gayest fucking thread I've ever entered, and I guess I'm gay now for having entered...


Silver Member
Flyout doesn't require any skill. Its what the kids in my area do to make it seem like they are good. Its not a coincidence that skateboarders and BMX riders hate it too. Its just dumb in general.

Riding flyout is like a parkour dude who only does flips on a trampoline.

flyout can require just as much skill as tranny or flat, just the trick would have to be a much better one, eg. a front scooterflip double whip flyout is maybe like an inward air.

Flyout is acceptable to learn to tricks, but don't put it in a video, if you can get it flyout you can get it over a hip or something, even an elevator is better
i think one or two really good flyout tricks could be in an edit, for example ryan williams web edit two, you can say what you like but anyone who sees it most likley going to be blown away, this is like non scooter riders, not the riders who moan loads about flyout even though they will never be able to front flip inward bri or whatever. also what you said about learning it over a hip, there isn't always the opportunity for some riders

flyout isn't bad, its a good way to learn new tricks. But the thing is, flyout is easier than flat or tranny. It's when kids start filming an whole edit of flyout and it's when they get big heads over flyout tricks make it somewhat stupid.

this i agree with this though, an edit should have variety