Why do people hate on scootering so much?

Ben Moak

Steel Member
Nope. we don't have to blame ourselves for the ignorance of the people who don't ride.
really? have you looked around here lately?
the maturity level of this website is about at a 12 year old
granted i don't do a damn thing about that, then again i dont ride anymore, but you cannot honestly say it's all there fault that we are viewed the way we are.

Garrett B

Steel Member
really? have you looked around here lately?
the maturity level of this website is about at a 12 year old
granted i don't do a damn thing about that, then again i dont ride anymore, but you cannot honestly say it's all there fault that we are viewed the way we are.


Jamie Gantz

Steel Member
really? have you looked around here lately?
the maturity level of this website is about at a 12 year old
granted i don't do a damn thing about that, then again i dont ride anymore, but you cannot honestly say it's all there fault that we are viewed the way we are.

I honestly think that we shouldn't have to blame ourselves for being hated on. Most of the people who talk shit on us don't look at this website, and they are ignorant.

Jamie Gantz

Steel Member
I understand that. Having a bad impression of one person that you meet doesn't give you the right to talk shit on their entire community.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
I understand that. Having a bad impression of one person that you meet doesn't give you the right to talk shit on their entire community.
What I'm saying is this, yes skaters/bikers generalize scooter riders and they shouldn't hate nearly as much as they do, but the fault does not completely fall on them since there is a fast majority of immature scooter riders. While yes there are a lot of immature skaters and bikers, they are practicing a sport that has already been accepted by the general public, unlike scootering which still has too "prove itself"

Jamie Gantz

Steel Member
I can kind of see that, I guess I'm just pissed that people find the need to generalize opinions about stuff. If only everybody in the world had an open mind..

Ben Moak

Steel Member
I can kind of see that, I guess I'm just pissed that people find the need to generalize opinions about stuff. If only everybody in the world had an open mind..
we have to be realistic though and take into account that a lot of people don't

Hunter Treviranus

Silver Member
me and a group of friends been called a "scooter pack" at Carlsbad skatepark then they threatened to fight us because were all "pussys" and sit there and talk shit on them(which we we not at the time)
The world is shallow. At 17, I'm not trying to follow trends, I'm trying to do what makes me happy. People forget that things like scooter riding aren't to be "cool" but are actually done because they are fun to the person doing them. Those are called hobbies. Some people make art out of their own ----- if they enjoy it and don't try to sell it to me, why do I care? So much of the world hasn't entered the level of consciousness yet to see when hate is plain unnecessary, and I don't get it because it's so simple. If someone likes/does/presents themselves in a way that doesn't affect you or anyone else in a truly negative way, there's no reason to hate on them or care. Let other people live their life. Unfortunately, most people can't see that, and the answer to that question as to why so many people are like that I can not answer, my friend.


Bronze member
At my old local (Cory's too) We would get hate from the newer bikers, but when they spent more then a week going daily they would talk to us and get used to it. Of course this 8th grader on a bike tried to steal my scooter but a friend hit him with his Blunt deck... Triangle decks hurt like a bitch.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
At my old local (Cory's too) We would get hate from the newer bikers, but when they spent more then a week going daily they would talk to us and get used to it. Of course this 8th grader on a bike tried to steal my scooter but a friend hit him with his Blunt deck... Triangle decks hurt like a bitch.

Was that the video that Robert posted on fb?