
i went to 3 the spine but i didnt and i put my foot on the coping it slipped and i landed on my ribs on the copping then i slid down and got up it knocked the wind out of me and my knee has a huge bruise on it


For the millionth time I was fooling around with whips and I screwed up. I went to ship, it didn't whip far (maybe 90 degrees) then my foot gets caught, and I land in a retarded one foot turny, and it bends my ankle over WAY to far. I did it twice in a row.

Vinnie O

i was stalling a lil ass curb but i hopped to high and like rolled over it and felllback cuz i slipped and bussted the back of my head...was knocked oyut for about 3 hurt at the time but now its just funny as helll....cuz honeslty itwasa curb lmao
i fell doing a tailwhip over a extended spine then i messed up grinding a box were you have to go up a ramp and jump on the box and jump back in the quater pipe and now i have a potato arm them i got raped doing a huge gap were you have to jump over a curb frist and i jumped over it then fell on my back it so bad and yes i fall alot!!!!!!!


mine is great
i was bombing a hill and a mother fuucking dumasss opens his door and i slam right into it hitts the edge of the doo rwit my hand i flip fell on my elbow and knee
know i think i fuckked upp my hand ill get a vid of wat mad hand can do
Im gonna go doctors soon see if i need operation on my elbow. I stopped doing any bmxing/scootering for a few weeks a while back and its done nothing to help my elbow :(.


nah she wouldnt
she goes the med school
so she kinda know this crap
and i can move my tendon out of place on my ring finer thats wat worries me