
doing shit over a big gap at 12 am wit tommy and aj and fell and as i fell my knee bent fully inward and after we called my mom to pick us up i went to the hospital and i found out i Broke my tibula and tor some ligaments in my knee and now i go to the orthapetics tomorrow and find out if i need surgery :( so idk if im getting back to scootin every again if i get surgery cuz if i do ill have knee problems my whole life so i'll get back to you all tomorrow and let you know whats going on kk peace
yesterday i played dalton post scoot..and the las trick i was like "dalton this last one have fn trying to do it" i go and fornt bri flip the little pyramid by the car a woody and land it perfect first try..he wanted me to prove it so i go and try to hard and when i flip it my foot gets stuck on he deck and i went with the rotations of the bri flip and i did like half a front flip and a 180 and landed at the bottem of the band..and i got a burn on my elbow and hip..and my wrist is SOOO soar...and when i fell all t5he bikers were laughing and stuff and GUY MARSH WAS LIKE "hahahah serjey ate sshhiittttt!"..


i hate guy haha he was such a dick to me

i was riding andys scooter at og cause its more dialed thatn mine and mobbed over the 5 foot spine thing overclicked a turndown so much that adnys sshitty scooter flew out frm under my feet so i flipped forward and landed on both my knees which maynot seem like a big deal but my knees are super fucked and they were just getting better so yeah im out for like at least a week of just not doing barely anything, im probably stikicng to bikes and photography from now on

i just get too fucked up on scooters. its not that im scared of pain i can take i tim scared of not being able to do anything ever if i fuck my knees up too badly
i was jumping a 9 set and i pretty much had it
but let go of my scooter(stupid) than wen i fell the scooter SMACKED me right in the face =) but i did it the next time

Jon Reyes

i jammed my thumb today on a bar finger up woody stepup haha, greg, ankles have no purpose just weld them shut and we'll be good
360whip a 6stair and ate shit
my feet got all tangled up and i faceplanted it to the ground
-hands all bloody
-popd my shoulder(which was also bloody)
-jacked up my lip(a little bloody)
-jacked up teeth for 4life(=()
-sprained my finger


dargersaurus rex
Nick Donatelli said:
360whip a 6stair and ate shit
my feet got all tangled up and i faceplanted it to the ground
-hands all bloody
-popd my shoulder(which was also bloody)
-jacked up my lip(a little bloody)
-jacked up teeth for 4life(=()
-sprained my finger
you told me it was a 3 stair

umm i got a fever :(
Ozzy said:
ive got this thing wrong with my joint from the top of my right arm to the joint of my elbow, my docter says its cos of riding my scoooter. Hurts like mad on somedays when im not even riding, but owell lol.

Thats exactly what I have! But only when I do rails. :?