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  1. humpurple kushiones

    were fucked.

    Thanks, but like i said i would be glad to check out the other side of the debate. Just because something is a possibility doesn't make it worth all the attention, and honestly i feel like this topic is worn out at this point after doing sooooooooo (too) much research on it and finding nothing...
  2. humpurple kushiones

    Second Earth?

    HOW is this the first earth like planet to get this much attention??? they've found dozens in the past few years already lmao.
  3. humpurple kushiones

    Eagle Hollow Cores Here!

    WOAH the codie wheels would be PERFECT for my scooter. i wish i had money to blow on wheels :/
  4. humpurple kushiones

    were fucked.

    "No offense, but youre just a kid from Jersey, an average citizen. So am I and so is everyone, essentially. Why would we be provided with ground breaking evidence?" This statement alone would usually be enough for me to completely disregard a subject. If there's no real evidence that can make a...
  5. humpurple kushiones

    were fucked.

    All i want to see is actual evidence. Just because something is historically plausible, or there were/ are free masons, doesnt mean these free masons are controlling the world and have a new world order set up, plausible =/= factual. If some evidence is provided that isnt just a bunch of...
  6. humpurple kushiones

    were fucked.

    do you need any more evidence that this is nonsense? this is either some type of online game some developers are playing, a strait up hoax, or a publicity stunt for some company that will make itself known soon enough. heres info on the domain host. YUSUF SELIMOGLU balgat mah. 1409 sok...
  7. humpurple kushiones

    were fucked.

    Illuminati* my bad. And maybe some evidence that shows they're all free masons.
  8. humpurple kushiones


    back street boys ftw. lmao i feel really gay right now
  9. humpurple kushiones

    were fucked.

    and this is obviously a joke? if the illuminati was real they wouldnt be stupid enough to redirect you to a government website. just think for a minute.. most powerful group in the world that is trying to remain secrete, having a website. -__- edit: if anything happens tomorrow morning i will...
  10. humpurple kushiones

    were fucked.

    If the free masons are real, id like to see a little more evidence than just some symbolism. The reason i don't believe in the illuminati, free masons w/e is because ALL the evidence ive seen is all attached to some kind of symbolism. Symbolism isnt set in stone, it's something that can be...
  11. humpurple kushiones

    were fucked.

    it was fake anyway.
  12. humpurple kushiones

    Razor Phase 2 or Addict?

    the addict deck is nothing like district.
  13. humpurple kushiones

    On Sale Grippers ($70) or New Eagle Hollow Techs ($95)

    im sure the new eagles will be worth it.
  14. humpurple kushiones

    Lady shot outside police station.

    stuff like this happens so often in the states that this is one of those articles you skip over when looking at the news.
  15. humpurple kushiones

    2012 election he quoted pokemon... im soooooooo glad this dude isnt going to be president.
  16. humpurple kushiones

    2012 election

    i registered as a faggo... i mean republican just to vote for ron paul.
  17. humpurple kushiones

    2012 election

    so a 15 percent reduction, cutting funding to all the wars, and a spending freeze is not cutting military funding? and at the bold.. as a resident of new jersey, and someone who has been personally effected by that fuckers brilliant plans, are you high? chris christie is an absolute piece of...