Falls Because Your A Clutz Thread


Steel Member
Almost killed myself like 4 times trying to ride Rob's scooter (lower/narrower bars + pegs on the other side and my complete inability to keep myself from pushing during a run), dropped in on a massive 2 foot tall flybox and accidentally kicked my deck before I hopped on it, fell like 3 feet directly onto my knees, it was like 15 degrees out so it fucking killed. I did it twice that day, too.

DJ Lee

Steel Member
i went to walk up thes bank to get to a qp and ended up slippng at the top and slid on my face fretty much all the way down the qp and everybody saw it haha
one time i was at my local park, and i went up this little like 5ft. quarter or something and i did a bar to stall, and i landed it and the coping was slippery, when i went to disater back in i jumped and i was like flying for a couple seconds and i landed on my bars, i was like balancing on my stomach. it hurt like a bitch cuz i couldnt breath for hella days and felt like i made and indent in my ribs


Steel Member
Last tuesday at skatebarn I did the motion of an inward while I was walking to a ramp and I started to run a little and tripped over my deck and slammed. Made myself look like a total jackass. It was like the first 5 minutes of the session.


A couple weeks ago I was about to drop into a ramp, but I turned my wheel and fell on my buttox. I felt like a retard.

Zach Hamrick

Bronze member
Every body was riding flat at a skatepark like goons, and i suck at flat, got mad and tried frontie flat but i did the coedie donovan thing and lifted up my front wheel to get momentom and pulled up to hard and landed on my back:( felt retarded.

Derek Seay

was going to put my headhpne in, and it kept falling out and by time i was 2 feet in front of the stairs got it in, fell hard on the truckdriver. and my headphons fel out again ):


Jumping a curb,lifted my front wheel and then the back,pushed on my front wheel and it hi the curb,i was about to eat shit but went for someones car number plate,Yeah it hurt.....


so me, my bro and my friend are in a parking lot just riddin around when i get a great idea lets spin around for a min. and try to ride to the other side, so we start to spin and after a min or so i say stop and we were extremly dizzy at that time so were all grabbin at our scooters i finnaly get mine and start ridding. i felt like the world was tilted 45 degrees side ways so i think im ridding straight but im heading for a curb with grass on the other side so i hit the curb going preatty fast and break my nose from face planting into the curb


Bronze member
ahha i do dizzy scootering all the time we usally spin for 30 secs ride along and try to do like tailwhips and 180s and stuff this one time i did it tried to do a tailwhip and i dont even know what happend but just fell on my ass ahha it didnt hurt just funny


Bronze member
one time I was at a train station and it had a curb then some ground then a curb down and there was about 6 of those not blocked by parked cars. So me and a couple of friends decide to have a hurdles race on scooters. As I jumped up the second to last curb I slipped out and landed flat on my back, and couldn't ride because it hurt when I pushed.


Bronze member
i rarely fall doing tricks i usually catch my self i fall riding to the place of just riding i put my foot down on a curb to go down instead of jumping and somehow i fell


Steel Member
Ate shit yesterday from 5 feet up doing a nose bonk to tweaked hop on the box... My shoulder is sore like shit but whatever i got it down eventually


Thats what I got from it on my arm... Nike is stalking me..


Bronze member
went to bar from the takeoff of a small 3ft box of the side and went at the box to straight and dung crushed little finger reallly sore hip and shoulder and faceplanted luckily i had my helmet on but theres still a huge lump on my head from where i hit it with the helmet on ahha felt like such a spastic

Keenan Still

Steel Member
a while ago i took my bars off and i was rotating bri flips, and the bars hit me right in between the eyes, and i looked dumb having a bruise in between my eyes for two weeks,


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
Backside lipslide on a flat rail. I come in too close, the deck flies, and the rail goes into my stomach.