Waaaa rode melton 2day 4 some reason jst decided 2 go was kwl!!!
bar 2 whippp spine
grind box on the stairs feeble grind 2 bar out
normal grind box feeble grind 270 bar
n 1ft on noseblunt slides on grind box
Sam Carter said:
Waaaa rode melton 2day 4 some reason jst decided 2 go was kwl!!!
bar 2 whippp spine
grind box on the stairs feeble grind 2 bar out
normal grind box feeble grind 270 bar
n 1ft on noseblunt slides on grind box

holy shit...... this is why you should not stop!!

1000th post


relearnt bar to whip and whip to bar airs, fs and bs
failed at trying to relearn frontscooterflip whip airs =[
One foot on front bris into qp then I bruised my heel and gave up
bmx tricks: 270 hip, tire tap 2 ft maybe progress to 4ft, footjam bank, 180 to fakie off qp and rollin/bank
scooter tricks: briflip out of a 2ft qp, briflip of the sides of qps, learnt loads of tricks on a 2ft but no point in saying them its so easy lol


nearly got:
3 double whip
bar airs on 5ft QP
270 bar to smith
270 whip to smith
downside to bar to smith
double whip to disaster half cab in
whip 2 bar to disaster half cab in
....theres too many i nearly got:)