i am becoming obsessed with briflips. gettin so close to them on flat but today i learnt them off the side of a rollin, killed myself on one of the 1st attempts i done that thing where u land with both feet in the middle of the deck and i landed in a manual and wen i hit the floor my scooter went flying in the air and i smacked the ground o so hard lol. i dont like landing tricks in the middle of the deck i dont feel in control without my foot being on the brake, actually i learnt a few tricks today i just rememberd. feeble grind 360 out perfect everytime, and feeble 180 fakie out. im gonna get oppo smith half decade out to fakie(dont actually no wat thats ment to be called) lol, wow look how much ive typed %-6 lolzz


JonDogg said:
i am becoming obsessed with briflips. gettin so close to them on flat but today i learnt them off the side of a rollin, killed myself on one of the 1st attempts i done that thing where u land with both feet in the middle of the deck and i landed in a manual and wen i hit the floor my scooter went flying in the air and i smacked the ground o so hard lol. i dont like landing tricks in the middle of the deck i dont feel in control without my foot being on the brake, actually i learnt a few tricks today i just rememberd. feeble grind 360 out perfect everytime, and feeble 180 fakie out. im gonna get oppo smith half decade out to fakie(dont actually no wat thats ment to be called) lol, wow look how much ive typed %-6 lolzz
bs smith to 180 downside whip


Well last week I got bars to feeble stall and back in on quarters etc lol...
I dont learn much new stuff, cause all the tricks i do now are so sketchy i have to practise them loads lol.
guess what jon??

i got a bri one footed of my kicker! like 2/3rd try!

i also nearly got a front bri but its scratching my wrist *looks at wrist* damn i look emo haha :(
scootsteve said:
guess what jon??

i got a bri one footed of my kicker! like 2/3rd try!

i also nearly got a front bri but its scratching my wrist *looks at wrist* damn i look emo haha :(
happend to me before, also with a bartwist, i was bleeding so much i thought id cut an vein lol.
scootsteve said:
guess what jon??

i got a bri one footed of my kicker! like 2/3rd try!

i also nearly got a front bri but its scratching my wrist *looks at wrist* damn i look emo haha :(
sick man, im a bri whore atm lol. not a new trick but today i have realised my love for truckdrivers. get them perfect everytime.


i have found my love for 360s , i have been able to do them for ages but i can dip them and get them high and sooo clean so i have decided i love them :)
im quite into dipped 360s, i dont no wat it looks like tho, i mite look stupid wen i do them XD O YEH ive got 360 BOWLEGGED!!!, turndowns and 360 lookbacks real good, also im learning lookback air but its scary :S oppo air for me


corby resi (over it):
dipped 360

corby quater to flatbank:
180 bri
180 bar
180 oppo busdriver
nearly 180 invert
nearly 180 table
Barspin without taking your hands of the bars. I did some into the foam on bmx at corby and all the bmxers were shouting BUsssDriver! and iwas like wtf lol.
like your hand follows the bar around if im making sense? like i barspin clockwise so i take my left hand of the bar and do a barspin but my right hand stays with bar to make it go round.