Political Discussion Thread

well gay marrage is banned in most places of the world
so homo's are forced to go to other countries to get married.

Now think, why was gay marrage banned in the first place?
Because it is wrong and unatural!!

I dont really give a shit if gays do whatever in private
but its the pda (public display of affection) that makes me angry
I dont care if they come out of the closet
just dont leave the house ;)


^^what if, theoretically, in the eyes of gay people, two straight people publicly displaying their affection towards one another is considered "weird"? Just because of their sexual orientation, doesn't mean they should be forced to keep their relationship on the DL just to make a few people like you feel more comfortable.
Dre said:
^^what if, theoretically, in the eyes of gay people, two straight people publicly displaying their affection towards one another is considered "weird"? Just because of their sexual orientation, doesn't mean they should be forced to keep their relationship on the DL just to make a few people like you feel more comfortable.
i belive many people are aganist homosexuality
so its not only a few who feel uncomfortable about it
i dont really care what you say
i have my views
you have yours
im not going to change yours
your not going to change mine
a stupid little argument over a scooter forum isnt going to change a thing


Jordan said:
Chris Bendel said:
dan knows this the most on here but the whole catholic/christian religion is completely fucked up.
they're supposed to be all loving and accepting, but they reject gay's?

there's obviously a problem there

we can talk about this all we want but im pretty sure im not the only one who really wants something to happen about it. but oh well
you're generalizing.

christians should treat gays like they would treat murderers, thieves, and adulterers. they shouldn't judge them, but rather accept them for who they are, and perhaps try to change them for the better. i think most christians would do that...you're basing your beliefs off crazed radicals.
Totally correct.
i have a friend whose parents yell at the tv when politics is on haha and his mom just says yea and stuff when she knows absolutely nothing even ask forest =]


Yea ask jake. We were all sleeping at mikes and going to the skate park or something the next day. And mikes parents are like 60 and they were screaming at the TV. at like 7 in the morning and cussing out obama and all this stuff. We laughed so hard cause they didnt know what they were talking about! hahaha


The name is Margaret
Dre said:
On the topic of christianity vs. homosexuals, I heard somewhere that there's been some evidence that homosexuality isn't a lifestyle choice, but rather occurs at birth, so I looked into it and found an article on it ( http://news.softpedia.com/news/Homosexual-by-Birth-41918.shtml ). If that's true, then that might make a big change in many christians' attitudes - homosexuals will then probably have to be considered in the same way as disabled people, and there will probably be some revisions made to the bible (the holy bible: the revised 21st century edition LOL, word of god right thurr eh), either that or all the creationists will argue to death that the evidence is false, etc, etc.

im not reading any of the other shitty posts
but i read a lot of articles like that and it deals with the sex hormones given to you in the womb are obviously different.
they did a test with twins, and found 50 percent or something like that if one was gay, so was the other.

theyve already proved that its before birth, the problem is they cant figure out where this gene is or if it is a gene or something to do with the mother.

and a lot of you obv wont know this but if one person in your family is gay chances are there are more then one.


The name is Margaret
Dre said:
^^what if, theoretically, in the eyes of gay people, two straight people publicly displaying their affection towards one another is considered "weird"? Just because of their sexual orientation, doesn't mean they should be forced to keep their relationship on the DL just to make a few people like you feel more comfortable.

i know of gay couples who think looking at straight couples kiss publicly is disgusting or weird.


^^not funny. Now you're pretty much just being plain ignorant, so any respect I still had for you, is now completely gone. Have fun being a huge homophobe.


to everyone that advocates the death penalty?

do you really think a quick death is harsher punishment than rotting away the remainder of your life captive in a 6x8 cell?

and from a strictly capitalist point of view, sentencing someone to death cost taxpayers more than what the average person would cost if they spent the rest of their life in prison.


Steel Member
I think of it this way. People are really adaptable creatures. People who go to jail get used to it and it just becomes a normal way of life for them, not what they used to live, but they get used to it over time. Right now if I killed somebody I say that I would rather get the death penalty because it would be quicker, but I know that if I was actually put in the situation I would be flipping out and would rather life in prison.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Chris Bendel said:
dan knows this the most on here but the whole catholic/christian religion is completely fucked up.
they're supposed to be all loving and accepting, but they reject gay's?

there's obviously a problem there

we can talk about this all we want but im pretty sure im not the only one who really wants something to happen about it. but oh well
hahahahah no.im Christian and i have a gay friend. and a bi friend. and a lesbian friend. the religion is not fuckked up. just some people take it to far. i accept people for who they are. and to jordan. i never try to change people. most Christians dont. if i did try to change people id have no friends.

this isnt a religious debate this is a political discussion thread so im done with this


I think the religion "cristianity" (which is my religion) doesnt hate gay's. I think its the people themself who dislike gay's.
I mean if gays are holding hands and stuff around me, I am totally fine with that. There extremely nice people but if they get any sexuality or stuff IM GOING TO FLIP A ---!


Forest Etter said:
I think the religion "cristianity" (which is my religion) doesnt hate gay's.

you obviously don't know much about your religion. christianity has openly condemned homosexuality and called it a sin. the church teaches that people that engage in sodomy (buttsex) will go to hell.

oh and that applies to straight people, too. stick it in a girls butt and you're going to hell.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
seankane said:
Forest Etter said:
I think the religion "cristianity" (which is my religion) doesnt hate gay's.

you obviously don't know much about your religion. christianity has openly condemned homosexuality and called it a sin. the church teaches that people that engage in sodomy (buttsex) will go to hell.

oh and that applies to straight people, too. stick it in a girls butt and you're going to hell.
but not all Christians are like that


Super Moderator
Staff member
Tyler Wheeland. said:
Tyler Wheeland. said:
Margaret said:
id like to throw in that a lot of you kids are christian.
and you are so fucking hypocritical, shit ceases to amaze me.

if you are not religious, and you say this shit that bashes other people, you actually dont have morals and your opinions are worthless.

like benthompson. i dont know you but on the gay part. so your homaphobic, then you ought to either seek help to mildly get over it or refrain from doing stupid shit that will lead to jail time.
if youre a christian (practicing) which i would have to assume you are since your from aussie, then you obviously cannot forgive "sinners" like the christ youre supposed to believe in.

and if youre a none believer, you just suck, your ignorant, and are prejudice.
im a practicing christian and no i dont think homosexual/bisexual people are right in there descions. But thats their personal choice and i have learned to cope with peoples choices and love them like i do any other person.
Infact most of the homosexual/bisexual people i know are so incredibly nice and that has really helped me to not judge them.
Yeah i dont like seeing to dudes or two chicks making out in public.. (well maybe two chicks :D hahahaha.) (just kidding) but if thats what they wanna do them AMEN to that!!!!.

Not all christians are judge mental bastards like some portray us as.
and if were supposed to love people like christ then we should love them like we do anyone else by treating them equal and respecting them as people. Its wrong to judge them.
and Jesus has lunch with the tax collectors that people did not like. So that leads me to believe me that Jesus would be chillin with the homosexual/bisexuals in this day and age.
i edited this a litttle bit.