Okay one question. If drilling a hole for the brake in the back makes the deck week, then Why would any one drill a hole at the main stress point of the deck?? this is a contradiction, Im not hatin, but I have already thought of this, and if i took one of my decks and drilled a hole right there it would ruin the deck
this dude used the deck on the mega ramp bro i think he'll be fine
damn dude thats pretty legit ^^^ i got 100% respect for proto now, no doubt in my mind ill be buying one of these decks
with you on that one haha
the mega ramp doesent have aa crap load of impact because there is a landing with tranny, not saying the scooter isnt strong, but the inpact is absorbed mostly by the tranny on the landing
2 problems
1.in the video it looked as if the whole top of the deck was like in strips ? wich would create an akward feel
2. brake does seem to sit pretty high
besides this i can still see myself buying one it seems like a pretty clever idea. cant wait for them to be released !