I don't know if it is true or not, but some say that after death human body becomes lighter for 29 grammes. Is that a weight of soul? I don't know, but I believe in existance of human's soul. But not because we are dominating species and we are the only one who can love, it can be prooved scientifically, it is an evolutional process, it is time for our planet to have such advanced creatures that can create religion, art and culture itslf. The human soul is the immortal mind, consciousness, whatever...
Now about the religion itself. I believe that God exists. It can not be prooved or disprooved scientifically, but I see it in every life situation, in every passer-by's sight, everywhere!!!(Maybe because I beleive in it, but anyway) When I do something wrong, the life itself shows me the right way by punishing somehow (not physically, but consciently sometimes; if u haven't understood that, read F.Dostoyevskiy "The Crime and the Punishment", my favourite book from the curiculum)Thaths, by the way, prooves the humans soul existance (we know whats right and whats wrong in contrast to animals (example:black widow kills her "husband" after the coitus) Of course it can be prooved scientifically once again, that it is an evolutional process, even dogs understand that to urinate at home isn't good bla-bla-bla... No! I mean the consience! It is higher than urinating at home, It is higher than something just biological! Just want to beleive it.)
Also I think tha God caused our existance. Nothing happens randomly! Just imagine how small is the possibility of creating the same world: 1.The Universe was Born 12 billion years ago and even though I know the Great Explosion theory, I can not explain the whole process, why it has happened 2. It is 4-dimensional. Other conceptions makes atoms and moleculas very unstable. Especially the 4th dimension... Time... It is a subject of scientific and philosophical discussions and it is very hard to speak about it. At less, without it the Universe could be nothing more than just a dull frame. 3. Solar system and Earth. It is 150 million km far from Sun. Perfect conditions to start the evolution to have an intellectual creature.
Too many coincidences, can't you see that? I have a feeling that it all has been created by Someone (the God) artaficially. But for what? I don't know. Maybe it was terribly boring for God to spend an eternity alone. So he created the universe so, as we see it now. (My thoughts about the eternity is in the "Black Metal thread")
Excuse my English. I mean it is hard to speak on such theme even in Russian so thanks a lot if u have understood me