=0mat said:so my shitty local park doesn't allow scooters, so i usually jump the fence and ride when its closed in the winter. but the other day i went and asked the attendant guy if i could ride and he said i could. after watching for a while he said i could ride whenever hes working there. so later on i was talking to him, and he said he knows brian murphy.
wow I thought he was going to yell at YOU. I dont even begin to understand why parents take their little kids to skateparks. "like lulz theres bikes so i should take ma kid there who ride a bike there" It makes me extremely mad.Jarrad Smith said:i was at my local with my frend rite and there was this little kid on a bike. He wasnt even doing anythin except roll down the bank then turn around and go bak up and do it again. So all i did was drop in then out of no where he pops up and i smash straight into his front weel and my scooter just flies outta my hands does an inward bri and smashes me rite in the bak of the head!!! It f'ucking hurt like crazy. But then his dad came running ova and was like " WAT ARE U DOING!!! U HAVE TO WATCH OUT FOR THE OLDER KIDS SON" to his kid and pretty much dragged him out of the park